FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What could be the impact of having different shipping costs scale on my optimized price?

If you have multiple shipping scales, you may not have the correct optimized price because the scale is not clearly defined.

For example, the shipping costs are free up to a price of £ 10,00 and for prices above £ 10,00 a shipping fee of £ 3,00 is charged.

The price gap is set up £ 0.05 against the cheapest competitor, and there is a competitor whose price is £ 11.00.

That means we need to send a price of £ 10.95 (full price including the shipping costs).

According to the shipping cost scale, If we calculate £ 10.95 (full price) then we need to add £ 3.00 shipping and the price will be £ 13.95, which is not correct.

On the other hand since £ 10.95 is above the scale shipping, if we subtract £ 3.00 shipping, we come to £ 7.95, and any price below £10.00 is free of shipping.

In order to change it, please check your shipping costs scale in eSagu, or even better change your shipping costs to free shipping on Amazon.

What can I do if I cannot see a new service in the menu?

This happens when the service (e.g. HelpDesk or our RePricing) has been set up from another browser / computer.

As the browser session data is updated every hour, you can now simply wait or if you do not want to wait, simply log out once and log in again.