eSagu RePricing for Cdiscount "CSV-file format"

With our CSV-data you can access your data record quickly and effectively. You can update your prices on eSagu and Cdiscount simultaneously.

Click on "CSV FILES" option in the menu (on the left) to customize your CSV-template.

Eg. You can create a template named "price rules" with the columns SELLER_PRODUCT_ID, MIN_PRICE and MAX_PRICE.

We recommend you use the freeware OpenOffice / LibreOffice for editing the CSV- files. Select Encoding: UTF8 and Delimiter: semicolon. Ensure that you save the prices with two decimal places. You can use a comma(12,34), point (12.34) or no separator (1234).

Below you will find a table with all selectable columns and their description.

You can email us any time on if you have any questions concerning the CSV files and if you need help editing them.

Editable columns

Column Description
MIN_PRICE The minimum price is the lowest-price limit, under which eSagu will not put your sales price. Regardless of the price, the competitor has. Therefore, it is up to you to decide on the lowest price that you would like to sell your items for.
Important: For optimization, the fixed price must be between the minimum price and the maximum price. The minimum price has to have two decimal places.
MAX_PRICE The highest price over which eSagu cannot/ will not put your sales price. Regardless of the price the competitor. Therefore, it is up to you to decide on the highest price that you would like to sell your items for.
Important: For optimization, the fixed price must be between the minimum price and the maximum price. The minimum price has to have two decimal places.
FIXED_PRICE The Optimization is omitted for the items with a fixed price.
Important: For optimization, the fixed price must be between the minimum price and the maximum price. The minimum price has to have two decimal places.
PRICE_MODE The price mode decides how your items behave during the optimization. Here you have several possibilities:
OPTIMIZATION – Selected items will be optimized based on the competitors information and the minimum prices and maximum prices determined by you.
FIXED_PRICE – Selected items are offered at your predetermined fixed price.
DISABLED – Selected items will be marked with the status "Deactivated". There will be no price adjustment on these items.
CUSTOM_CODE – Selected items will be optimized with the "CustomCode" function. The minimum prices and maximum prices will be used for it.
PRICE_GAPS_NAME The selected "price gaps name" is the strategy that the optimization should follow. Here you can choose to go lower, higher or catch up with your competition.
Important: For your item to optimize, it is necessary for a template to be chosen.
EXCLUSION_CRITERIA_NAME The "exclusion criteria name" excludes the competitors of your choice from competing with you.
Important: For your item to optimize, it is necessary for a template to be chosen.
CUSTOM_CODE_SNIPPET_NAME The "customCode-snippet" decides how your items behave with the “customCode” function.
Important: Choose the right strategy by its name to optimize your items with the customCode.
CUSTOM_CODE_PAYLOAD The "customCode-payload" are additional data which can be used during the customCode price optimization.
Important: A payload can contain a maximum of 140 characters.

Info columns

Column Description
EAN “European Article Number” a individual article number for products.
PRODUCT_ID A unique identifier for the product, assigned by Cdiscount.
SELLER_PRODUCT_ID A unique identifier for the product, assigned by the seller.
PARENT_PRODUCT_ID The product id of a variants parent.
VARIATION_TYPE The variation type of the article.
STANDARD – A standard type article.
VARIANT – A variant type article.
NAME The item name.
SIZE The “Size” gives information about the size of the item.
COLOR The “Color” gives information about the color of the item.
BRAND_NAME The “Brand” of the product.
QUANTITY The “Quantity” gives information about the current stock of the item.
LOGISTIC_MODE The way the shipping is done.
MARKETPLACE - Stored at the sellers Warehouse, shipped by seller.
FULFILMENT - Stored at Cdiscounts Warehouse, shipped by Cdiscount.
FULFILMENT_ON_DEMAND - Stored at the sellers Warehouse, shipped by Cdiscount.
CONDITION The “Condition” gives information about the current condition of the item.
  • NONE
  • NEW
QUANTITY The “Quantity” gives information about the current stock of the item.
INITIAL_PRICE The “Initial-Price” imported by eSagu RePricing when the tool/software was first activated. It can be used to determine your minimum prices and maximum prices.
Important: You cannot edit or change the “initial-price”.
BEST_SHIPPING_CHARGES The best shipping charges compared to competing articles.
SHIPPING_DELAY The number of days until the execution of the shipment.
CURRENT_PRICE The current price of the item.

Common errors

Error Description
Number formatting not clear When you get this error you need to check your min, max and fixed prices. The prices need to be formatted by number and double decimal. Another reason could be the delimiter of your CSV file. The CSV file separator of eSagu is a semicolon!
Double seller product id found Since seller product id is our identifier for the products. You cannot upload a file with the same seller product id listed more than once. In order to remove the duplicates in Microsoft Excel follow the steps: Select the seller product ids column (for ex: Coulmn A) From the Home Menue, click on Conditional formatting > Highlight cell Rules > Duplicate Values and select OK on the dialog box. This was any SKUs that are duplicates will be highlighted, and you can easily remove them or change them accordingly.
File is corrupted If this error occurs, that means that some of the column’s title is not in accordance with the eSagu CSV Format.
Skipped If you upload the same file two or more times, eSagu will skip the upload. Therefore, make sure that the content of the file is different from the content of the previous upload.
Maximal row count exceeded A single CSV file in eSagu may contain a maximum of 500,000 lines.
No seller product id found If there are seller product ids in the file that are unknown to our system, this error may occur. This can happen e.g. an inactive listing. However, the system will update prices for all other active products.
Download error We could not download your CSV file. Is the URL correct, please check once in your browser. If authentication is used, are the username and password are present in the URL? * Are our servers triggered a bot protection when downloading?

Please note, eSagu does not take any responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information/data received from Cdiscount.

Example CSV files

Here are a few sample files that might be helpful to you:

Mininmal CSV Example File

Full CSV Example File